How to track your budget
Members of a team can use the ODJ budget tracker to define a budget for their cloud consumption costs. The tracker allows to set different thresholds for the defined budget to trigger notifications once set thresholds are reached. Budgets can be defined on Team and on Product level. If a Team contains more than 1 Product it will track the sum of all Product costs that belong to the same Team.
Configuring a budget tracker
Navigate to either one of your Team(s) or Product(s) dashboard. In the cost section at the top, you will be provided with a widget that allows configuring a budget and defining multiple thresholds. Open the widgets via the provided slider on the right side.
In order to be able to notify you, the ODJ needs to know your Budget. You can set a budget in the according field.
The ODJ only tracks your cloud consumption costs and the costs for provisioned developer tools. These are not the final costs charged to your billing element as it does not include e.g. the costs for staff or the ODJ automation services. Therefore make sure to have some buffer for your budget.
The threshold field allows to define alert threshold. This means once a certain percentage of the provided budget is reached, your defined notification channels and recipients will be notified.
Make sure to configure multiple thresholds to stay up to date in regards to costs. It is recommended to define thresholds before your defined budget is exceeded so that you have a chance to react in case your costs get out of control.
Apply your settings by clicking the "Save"" button.