CI/CD Pipelines
Continuous integration, continuous delivery and continuous deployment are features that are provided by the pipelines of the ODJ.
The ODJ have pipeline templates for different technologies. The focus is to include lot's of tasks out-of-the-box.
Continuous integration
The continuous integration part of the pipelines will build and test your source code with a bunch of quality and security checks.
- Build your source code (if required)
- Code quality and security checks
- 3rd party dependency checks
Continuous delivery
The continuous delivery part of the pipelines delivers containers automatically after they have been checked and proved.
- Build the container
- Check the container
- Upload the container to the defined container registry
Continuous deployment
The continuous deployment is triggered via the ODJ to deploy your containers into the kubernetes clusters.
- Deployment with environment injection via ODJ
- No management of runtime secrets in pipeline toolchain